Most days, I read the Daily Om, a short meditation on the trials and joys of being human. It is uncanny how often the subject of Madyson Taylor’s e-letter seems aligned with current issues in my life.

So, today, I decided to start recording observations on small things that are anything but small simply because I gave them attention. Lo and behold, the topic for today’s Daily Om is the “ripple effect.” She writes:

In a world of six billion people, it is easy to believe the only way to initiate profound transformation is to take extreme action. Each of us, however, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others.

She goes on to talk about the potential impact of smiling at a stranger or performing a small act of kindness, reminiscent of the pay it forward principle. Of course, I like hearing about this type of thing, remembering I can feel empowered without a lot of cash or a heavily booked social calendar. But I was extra delighted by today’s meditation.

When I see synchronicities in my life, I feel the world is telling me, “Yes, you are on the right track.” When I call a friend who just happened to be thinking about me or go to the store and unexpectedly discover a favorite item on sale, I develop more confidence to trust myself, to trust my intuition. When I make a concerted effort to pay attention to things that happen in my life and the ways these events are connected to thoughts that have passed through my consciousness, I build trust that the forces of the universe brings people and situations together at the right time. And that’s no small thing.