
April 23, 2024

Klaatu Barada Nikto

I didn’t think much about the significance of the event a couple months ago when a friend first announced that he booked a few rooms in Crawfordsville, Indiana for April seventh and asked if I wanted to take a little early spring road trip.

As if trying to make it easier for me to respond to the invitation with a “yes,” he relayed that I could cancel up to three days before our reservation.

I agreed to the trip then went into pondering mode. What the hell is in Crawfordsville?

He explained that nothing special was in Crawfordsville, but it was only forty-five minutes from Indianapolis where people were expected to gather, on the eighth for the solar eclipse – in the path of totality

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About Me

Deborah Hawkins

I teach and support people in the application of mindfulness and exploration of personal gratitude experiences so that they can live a happier life.

Attitude of Gratitude Tip of the Week

Favorite Posts

Grateful Dozen

The No Small Thing approach to intentional gratitude begins when you identify your personal gratitude themes. A theme is a word or two that captures the essence of what makes you feel grateful.

Once you know some of your themes, you can ask yourself how any of them might be showing up in the moment to connect with good feelings.

Here are my themes, my Grateful Dozen. This is how I’ve organized my archives. By choosing one, you will be able to read blogs related to that theme.

Archive of Tips

See my archive of tips organized by the four categories. Click on the arrow to see more posts related to the topic.