Winter might be the perfect time for taking a break from cold temperatures and unpleasant tasks, like shoveling or searching pockets for gloves or emergency cough drops.  You can consider what you are grateful for by giving yourself an invitation to explore a different type of experience  — right now  — and you don’t have to fly to Bermuda.  Contrast, alone, can stir up your ability to appreciate different things. Think of something you associate with winter. Identify one or two things that represent the opposite of that thing and think of ways you can experience that contrast. What might it say about what you’re. grateful for? As example, when I think about winter, I think about dressing in layers or wearing bulky sweaters, which can make me feel heavy. To feel lighter, I will occasionally dress in shorts and tees and crank up the heat. Maybe I’ll eat tortilla chips and guac. I can remind myself that the cold is not permanent and that I can do different things to control my environment. I am grateful for that.