Think of three things you are good at or have a surplus of. Think of a person or group that can benefit from your expertise or wealth or time. How can you let people that are looking for what you can offer know that it is available? There’s something wonderful about giving in the moment simply because you feel called to do something. Maybe you feel called to donate to a relief fund after a natural disaster or crisis. There is also something enlivening about donating or volunteering by intention — because the thing you are giving away or cause you want to support has a special meaning for you. I know people who get a wonderful sense of satisfaction donating time in an animal shelter because they love animals or they enjoy helping seniors with their taxes because they are knowledgeable about the tax rules and patient with all sorts of people. There are people who donate to start-ups, not as investors, but because they want to support entrepreneurs pursuing their dreams. Think of what you feel passionate about and how you can give something related to it away. How might that make you feel knowing that someone is benefitting from something you care about deeply?