These Grateful Dozen lists were contributed by readers and workshop attendees. Some adjustments were made to reflect both broad themes that evoke gratitude and specific examples.
- Sharing time with a loved one (spending 15-30 minutes with Stephanie first thing every morning)
- Sharing affection with a pet (head-butts from the cat)
- Promising new beginnings (The first sip of the first cup of coffee for the day)
- Taking breaks (the little park behind the building where I work)
- Curiosity and inspiration (getting ideas for creative side projects)
- Loyalty (people who have stuck with me)
- Special people (people who have left their mark on me before moving on)
- Being able to manage my emotions (Remembering to slow my breath when my temper rises)
- Progress (chiseling away at a debt)
- Comfort/comfort food (lentil soup)
- Staying current (Jason Hischorn’s newsletter on media and technology)
- Drive/Motivation (wanting to pursue something better even before it’s fully known)
Emerson D, Chicago (10/10/13)
- Warmth (sunshine, sleeping in your bed with your mate)
- Feeling really awake (love of strong coffee)
- Pets and the sense of connection they offer
- Growing things (children, plants)
- Inspiration found in nature
- Things enjoyed at their peak (ripe mangoes)
- Contrast (color, textures, the variety of things found in nature)
- Family connections and pride (knowing my children will succeed in their paths)
- Remembrance (remembering how fortunate my life has been)
Steve N, River Forest, IL, IT professional (10/10/13)
- Unexpected good news (especially after a rough day)
- Good fortune/Averting disaster (that last night’s windstorm did not knock out power)
- The closeness of family (my 11 year-old daughter and dogs came into our bed this morning)
- Warmth (especially sunshine)
- Silence (Our valley was silent this morning except for the Tui birds)
- Yoga and reflection (writing my grateful dozen list)
- Feeling connected through technology (my laptop)
- Sacred objects and places (my shrine, favorite books, photos, Buddhas, offerings from children)
- Simple comfort (my big bed with white covers)
- Hope (things that make me hopeful)
Tisha C, New Zealand, Photographer (10/11/13)
- Feeling at home (my lovely house and yard)
- Ease (having a washer and dryer after months of going to the launderette)
- Help of caring friends
- Connection – enabled by technology (talking to people who share my interests through social media)
- Connection – feeling connected to people in unexpected ways
- Being a mother
- Freedom (living in a country where I am able to feel what’s personally important to me with no oppression)
- Using my talents (having a job I am good at
- Creative expression (rediscovering my love of art and creativity)
Julie, England (6/14/13)
- Nature (Things that are natural)
- Beauty
- Feeling in my body
- Creative Expression
- Supporting other people’s greatness/potential
- Learning new things
- Fun
- Insight/inspiration
- Connection
- Lingering/Relishing wonderful moments
- Excellence
Gale W, Chicago, teacher, energetic healer (4/28/13)
- Feeling that I am on a path
- Family/heritage
- Belonging/Community
- Creative expression
- Owning my creative self
- Feeling healthy
- Free things/Unexpected gifts
- Silence
- Nature/feeling abundance of nature
- Home/Feeling at home
Nick M, Chicago, theatrical set designer (4/28/13)