The end of any year is a good time to reflect on what you want to let go of and what you want to keep, and build on, in the year to come. Sometimes, though, letting go is difficult. It might feel like you’re dishonoring something that was once important to you, or you might be afraid of regretting a decision to lighten up later. Think about looking to what you’ve learned about yourself as you’ve increased your focus on GRATITUDE. If you can decide to keep things that help bring you to a grateful state or be more willing to let go of things that don’t, that might be a good place to start. Think of five things in your life that you know you want to keep because they bring your joy or ease or meaning. Think of five things you are ready to let go of, hopefully to make room for something else that is more likely to enhance your life.
Letting Go
December 17, 2019
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