Some time last year, I put visiting Machu Picchu on the top of my bucket list. I knew of a woman who led spiritual tours to Peru. Her tour started in Cusco, considered the Holy City and capital of the Incan Empire, and the itinerary included time in the Andean village of Pisac, a visit to the ancient Lemurian Temple of Love in Ollantaytambo, stops at countless other Incan temples and time spent with local shamans. A friend of mine had gone on this tour a few years ago and gave the experience an enthusiastic thumbs up.

Last spring, I also acknowledged a returning yen to partner, to find a compatible and companionable man, someone I could laugh with, explore life with and grow with. The two desires seemed to have woven themselves together and an intention was formed. I was going to visit Machu Picchu with my soul mate on 10/10/10.

Even though this was an intention, not exactly a goal (more a case of mentally fixing on the result I wanted and not on viewing the result as the culmination of specific steps), it seemed right to have a date in mind for this experience. Spirits of the Earth had a tour to Peru scheduled around a sunset meditation at Intihuatana, the highest point in Machu Picchu on 10/10/10. The number began to represent a gateway for me. It felt magical. Over the last few months, huge banners went up around Chicago, my hometown, promoting the 33rd running of the Chicago Marathon, which was to take place October 10th. Whenever I walked to work, I would see these banners and feel encouraged in my intention. 10-10-10. TEN-TEN-TEN. Yes, something big will happen on 10.10.10!

Of course, wishing alone does not make it so. I was welcoming divine intervention but I knew I had to take aligned actions. A lot of things had to come together before Machu Picchu with My Man could happen. I had been living in a no dating zone for years before ten-ten-ten became my mantra, and my passport had expired. I also needed about $4000 to make the trip.

I went about renewing my passport and put profiles on a couple dating sites. I made myself open for introductions. I went about snagging work assignments more energetically… but I was largely counting on an insurance settlement to provide me with the cash to dash. Early in September, I had more than a sinking feeling that the money wasn’t going to materialize.

I tried giving my intention positive energy and leaving myself open to how things might come together. Maybe, I thought, as the deadline for making a security deposit with Spirits of the Earth came and went, I wouldn’t go on Vera’s tour, but I’ll get to the mountaintop some other way. I began including some Stairmaster time in my gym visits. I needed to build up my breath for the climb. Faith and right action. I wanted to support my intention with both.

But the money didn’t come through. I had been dating but did not feel any closer to my perfect partner…And it was now 10-10-10.

I decided I had to do my best to live my dreams anyway – with a little sense of humor.

I took myself to the Machu Picchu Restaurant, probably less than two miles from my home. I enjoyed the country’s folk music, piped in throughout the dining room, and I treated myself to the most “Peruvian” dishes on the menu: Seco Cordero and Papa a la Huancaina, lamb stew and potatoes. (When sampling dishes at an ethnic restaurant, 8 out of 10 times, I’ll go with the lamb stew.) After dinner, I played Catalyst, a spiritual board game, with some very good friends. Not exactly how I intended to spend the day, I still found a way to enjoy Machu Picchu and celebrate my heart connections. One day, I will share the climb with the right companion.

Honoring your dreams while accepting that life’s events occur according to God’s time, is no small thing.